What Is Pain?
Some may understand pain as a symptom we experience in the body. The burning migraine, dull back pain or uncomfortable bloating.
And often we treat them as such. Offering up supplements, protocols and even healing modalities to address and correct the symptom. But for so many of us who’ve experience chronic pain with little to no relief or “reason,” we begin to question… is there something beyond the symptom?
And from personal experience and applied practice, the answer is always, yes. Information.
As we explore pain more intimately, we learn that more often than not, its main purpose is to act as an alarm system. When the alarm sounds, it’s to notify us of something uncertain, unsafe or potentially dangerous.
Its job is to protect us.
When working with clients or being led by other practitioners in my own healing experience, we leave judgement and stories at the door and invite in curiosity and openness to help gather and make meaning of important information the pain is trying to share.
The more we practice tuning in to our felt-sense (our sensations, energies and emotions), pain becomes our teacher.
From this enlightened perspective, a sense of agency and choice is created. With it emerges new stories and narratives to support us in the most healthy way, unique to us! And when we’re ready, lasting relief from pain can be discovered and felt and enjoyed.