The Art of Allowing

The art of allowing is one of my favourite tools to use.

When I’m in a state of allowing I’m more at peace and able to stay grounded regardless of what’s happening around me.

I was introduced to this concept over 20 years ago while studying Tibetan Buddhism in India. Abraham Hicks, Dr. Wayne Dyer and Carolyn Myss all speak extensively on this topic. 

Allowing or “going with the flow” sounds amazing but a little vague, so let’s talk about what that does and doesn’t mean.

When we’re in a state of allowing, we let people, places and things be as they are. We don’t manipulate or try to control people or situations and we trust life is unfolding exactly as it should.

In my experience, this is challenging but attainable!

It’s a process, a way of being. Some days we’ll find it easier than others. 

What it doesn’t mean is just sitting back and waiting for life to happen, not following our dreams, or not standing up for what we believe in. 

Here are some examples of how we can get into a mindset of allowing…

Letting Go of the Desire to Control Others

When we have friends, family or clients that are going through a difficult time, it can feel natural to want to “fix” their problem for them or to feel like, “if they just did what we told them to do, everything would be fine.” When we try to control others’ experiences, we’re getting in the way of their life lessons by assuming that we know best. 

We know what’s best for us but we don’t know what experiences someone else needs in order to evolve. 

When we can look at situations as neither good nor bad but simply as experience, it becomes easier to trust that all is as it should be.

Instead of trying to control a situation, we can offer support, love and encouragement. 

Releasing Attachment to Outcomes

I love life and having new experiences. However, things don’t always go as planned. 

When we’re attached to outcomes, we slip into a control mindset. We become more rigid in our thinking and consequently our body. When we can let go and trust in the process and trust that the universe always has our highest good in mind, then we can weather any outcome acceptance and grace.

When I let go and trust, miracles start to happen. 

Allowing as a Tool for Manifestation 

We can also use this technique for manifesting our desires. When we allow ourselves to align with the energy of what we desire, we begin to manifest with ease. 

Here’s an example…

Say I really wanted to buy a new car but couldn’t afford one. If I repeat to myself, “I wish I had enough money to buy a new car” I’m aligning with the energy of not having enough. 

If instead, I visualize already owning my dream car; sitting in it, driving it and feeling gratitude for my new beautiful car, well then I’m aligning with the energy of prosperity.

From this place, I’m in the energy of allowing that car to manifest into my life. I don’t need to worry about how it’s going to happen or where the money will come from. I simply need to give up worry and control, see it as already happening and trust.

I’ve personally used this technique over and over again and it’s always worked! Things may happen in a different time frame or look slightly different than I thought but they’re always just right. 

I used to live in a state of constant stress, thinking I needed to be in control of everything and everyone around me. It’s hard work and neither sustainable or realistic. I’m far from perfect but practicing the art of allowing as best I can in all my affairs has enriched my life beyond my wildest dreams.

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