Take What Resonates and Leave the Rest
This sentence is so important because even though a practitioner can be a neutral witness, it is still their perception of what happened, which may not always land with the individual.

Understanding Avoidant Tendencies (and How to Re-Parent Yourself)
Patterns of avoidance are rooted deep within the subconscious, alerting our body-mind whether it is safe to be seen, heard or have our needs met in any given situation.

The Art of Allowing
When we’re in a state of allowing, we let people, places and things be as they are. We don’t manipulate or try to control people or situations and we trust life is unfolding exactly as it should.

Cultivating Body-Based Intuition
Intuition is about trusting the body. When we take in new information about the world around us, our bodies respond with a sensation, feeling, thought or emotion.

Body Sensing Practice
A practice in establishing a fundamental awareness to understand what the body does naturally, and learn its inherent patterns of intelligence.

How to Stregthen Our Personal Boundaries
Our personal boundaries begin to evolve as toddlers and continue to shift and change as we develop more awareness around what feels good or bad, safe or unsafe.

5 Reasons to Connect to Your Higher Self
What is a Higher Self and how do we find it? Our Higher Self is our most authentic truest self. Our Soul. It is the part of us that’s been around since long before we were born and will remain long after we’ve passed.

What Is Pain?
Some may understand pain as a symptom we experience in the body. The burning migraine, dull back pain or uncomfortable bloating. And often we treat them as such.